
Michael J. Haas, Ph.D., University of Florida associate professor of medicine.

The University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville is committed to fostering research by the faculty and residents. This institution has been engaged in clinically applied research for many years and is enriched by the presence of faculty who have demonstrated excellence in performing research and in training new investigators.

The faculty in the Department of Medicine continue to obtain research awards and train future investigators, an important aspect of the University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville’s mission. During fiscal year 2020-2021, total grant revenue totaled $3,438,298. External funding from federal, state, industry, foundation and other sources increased 4% this fiscal year compared to last. There was an increase in the number of funded investigators, from 26 investigators last fiscal year to 27 investigators this fiscal year. Importantly, there was a significant increase in the number of funded projects; from 81 last fiscal year to 94 this fiscal year.

To find out more about research and clinical trials conducted in the Department of Medicine at the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville, please visit our divisions.

For details about individual faculty research interests, please view their bios on the faculty page.


Cardiovascular Research

The Cardiovascular Research Program within the division of cardiology is comprised of a group of dedicated healthcare professionals whose main goal is to provide higher quality patient care.

Research Faculty